Nearly a decade ago there were only few information sources for people. People used to read more newspapers and watch television in order to stay updated. But with technological advancement internet have become a powerful alternative way of acquiring information and sharing information.
But in recent years we can see a transformation in the type of content available on the web. From early 2000s, user-generated content has become increasingly popular on the web; more and more users participate in content creation, rather than just consumption. Popular user generated content (or social media) domains include blogs and web forums, social bookmarking sites, photo and video sharing communities, as well as social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, which offers a combination of all of these with an emphasis on the relationships among the users of the community.
Also nowadays social media streams are becoming a conventional model for both distribution and consumption of information. People moreover explore social media to get latest news about a specific product or a new technology or a gossip or a trend.
But do you know that the average daily information dumped on a social network user is 54,000 words, equivalent to the length of the average novel. That textual content is only 63 percent of the information dumped on every social network user on a daily basis. The Information overload has become a huge headache for social media.
Similarly, it might ultimately leads to information flooding where same information comes to user from various information sources. This repetition is a terrible mess, knowing the actual information only once would be totally enough for the users. Since various information sources describe the same information in a different point of view or redistribute it by adding or reducing information sometimes people might have to re read them all to get the exact idea.
Social noise is another issue to be addressed which means the phenomena of losing information due to unbearable information load. Because of this very important and highly interested information can be missed from users.
But what if a system can understand specifically an user’s interests and classify, group & summarize the information accordingly.
No doubts, then our lives would be more and more easy.
Stay tuned, I will show you how :)
But in recent years we can see a transformation in the type of content available on the web. From early 2000s, user-generated content has become increasingly popular on the web; more and more users participate in content creation, rather than just consumption. Popular user generated content (or social media) domains include blogs and web forums, social bookmarking sites, photo and video sharing communities, as well as social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, which offers a combination of all of these with an emphasis on the relationships among the users of the community.
Also nowadays social media streams are becoming a conventional model for both distribution and consumption of information. People moreover explore social media to get latest news about a specific product or a new technology or a gossip or a trend.
But do you know that the average daily information dumped on a social network user is 54,000 words, equivalent to the length of the average novel. That textual content is only 63 percent of the information dumped on every social network user on a daily basis. The Information overload has become a huge headache for social media.
Similarly, it might ultimately leads to information flooding where same information comes to user from various information sources. This repetition is a terrible mess, knowing the actual information only once would be totally enough for the users. Since various information sources describe the same information in a different point of view or redistribute it by adding or reducing information sometimes people might have to re read them all to get the exact idea.
Social noise is another issue to be addressed which means the phenomena of losing information due to unbearable information load. Because of this very important and highly interested information can be missed from users.
But what if a system can understand specifically an user’s interests and classify, group & summarize the information accordingly.
No doubts, then our lives would be more and more easy.
Stay tuned, I will show you how :)